Debt Collection Hawaii: How to Handle Debt Collection in Aloha State

Guy Benhanan
March 13, 2023

Many individuals and businesses worry about collecting debt, and Hawaii in business and industry side makes it harder.

With its unique legal and cultural landscape, it's important to have a clear understanding of your rights and options when dealing with debt collection in Hawaii.

In this article, we will explore the key factors to consider when handling debt recovery in the Aloha State.

Understanding Hawaii Debt Collection Laws

Hawaii Debt Collection Laws

Hawaii has its own set of laws when it comes to debt and collection services. The state has adopted the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (FDCPA), which sets out rules that debt collectors must follow.

For example, debt collectors are prohibited from making false statements or using abusive language towards customers.

I. Communicating with Debt Collectors

communicating with debt collectors

When transacting with debt collectors, effective communication is key. Keep records of all communication, dispute payments or collections, validate debts and services owed in writing within 30 days, and communicate in writing for preservation.

II. Negotiating with Debt Collectors

negotiating with a debt collector

You might be able to work out a payment plan with the company or debt collector if you are unable to pay the full balance of the bill.

This may entail some fees, creating a payment plan and schedule or paying off the debt in part.

III. Engaging a Debt Collection Lawyer

engaging with a debt collection lawyer

You might want to think about the cost of hiring a debt collection agency if you're having problems with debt collectors on any credit or accounts of your own.

IV. Defending Yourself Against Scams

defending yourself against scams

Due to the prevalence of debt collection scams, it's critical to exercise caution. Fraudsters frequently employ ominous language and make legal or other services, business or law enforcement claims.

Additionally, they say clients might demand payment through wire, money transfers or prepaid debit cards.

Do not divulge money or any personal information to debt collectors or businesses that call you and seem suspicious.

10 Surprising Facts About Debt Collection in Hawaii

a light bulb with a bluish background

Debt collection is complicated and stressful for both debtors and collectors. If you're living in Hawaii and transacting with a debt collector or collection agency, there may be some important facts you're not aware of.

Here are 10 surprising things about debt collection services in Hawaii that you might

What laws govern debt collection in Hawaii?

In Hawaii, debt collection is regulated by the Hawaii Revised Statutes (HRS). These laws dictate how debt collectors, agencies and Hawaii businesses can contact consumers to collect them.

It also includes what information they and the debt collection agency and businesses can disclose to collect, and the penalties for violating these rules.

What is a statute of limitations for debt collection in Hawaii?

statute of limitations for debt collection in Hawaii

Generally, it's six years for collections to file, on accounts with most debts paid off, on accounts including credit card debt and medical bills.

However, it's only two years for oral contracts and four years for written contracts.

Can debt collectors garnish wages in Hawaii?

Yes, debt collectors can garnish wages in Hawaii, but only with a court order. The maximum total amount of money they can garnish is 25% of a person of disposable income.

Can debt collectors sue you in Hawaii?

judge hammer on top of a keyboard

Yes, debt collectors can sue you in Hawaii, but only if they have a valid claim of bad debt and the debt is within the statute of limitations.

What is the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (FDCPA)?

The Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (FDCPA) is a federal law that regulates bad debt and other debt collection agency' and business practices.

It prohibits such agencies and debt collectors from using abusive, deceptive, or unfair Hawaii businesses practices when collecting debts owed them.

What are some common debt collection practices that violate the FDCPA?

Some common debt recovery collection agency and collection agency practices that violate the FDCPA include harassment, making false statements, and using unfair or deceptive practices to make debt collection agency and recovery collect due.

Can debt collectors contact you by email or text message in Hawaii?

email interface

Yes, debt collectors can contact you by by mail, email or text message in Hawaii, but only if you've given them permission to do so.

Can debt collectors take your property in Hawaii?

Debt collectors can take your property in Hawaii, but only if they have a court order allowing them to do so.

Can debt collectors continue to contact you if you've hired an lawyer in Hawaii?


Debt collectors must stop contacting you if you've hired an attorney to represent you in Hawaii.

Can you stop debt collectors from contacting you in Hawaii?

Yes, you can stop debt collectors from contacting you in Hawaii by sending a cease and desist letter.
